Whether you're on a grade-level team, a subject-specific team or are an administrator helping support your teams, you are likely inundated with student-generated data. In this session, we'll look at ways to make the data more user-friendly and actionable using Google Sheets. You'll be provided with various examples of Google Sheets with formulas ready for you to use.
Join fellow related arts teachers and instructional coaches to share lesson ideas and teaching strategies that work! This session is all about exchanging tips, exploring new ways to engage students, and building creative lessons together. Leave with fresh ideas and tools to use in your classroom right away!
I'm an Instructional Coach and former 6th Grade Math teacher. I'm passionate about helping teachers find the joy in their work and maximizing student impact and engagement.
Oftentimes in our PLCs, question 4 seems to be the most out of reach. What will we do when our students already know it? Add in Standards Based Grading and it seems to be even more difficult for our students to have an opportunity to reach a level 4. During this session, participants will explore different ways in which we can provide our students with an opportunity to enrich their knowledge and have access to achieving a level 4.
Become more familiar with the different types of data displays and options that Edulastic can offer teachers
-Consider how some of these reports can be used during PLCs to guide instruction, remediation, and enrichment -Get a basic introduction to creating an assessment by generating your own questions or accessing the question bank available -Discuss some ways that Edulastic can be used as a HITS artifact
Slide presentation will show different data displays and how to use them in PLC conversations. Teachers will also have access to data form templates to use or modify for their own use.
Lauren Seiss is an educator that inspires others for a living. She strives to create learning experiences for her students in a blended classroom. She is in her nineteenth year of teaching and leadership, currently as a Principal in the Duneland School Corporation. For six years she... Read More →
In this presentation we will share how we organize and track student data in order to group kids for interventions. Data points include NWEA, CSA/CFA’s from Pear Assessments, ilearn and ilearn checkpoints. Data is stored and tracked in google sheets and branching minds. Our system can be modified to meet the needs of any grade level with any variety of assessments and data points. When data is well organized quick decisions can be made with regards to intervention needs.