Staff will understand the difference between accommodations and modifications for students. I will present with Google Slides and have a hard copy of the presentation for staff to reference/utilize. During this session staff will learn what accommodations and modifications are, the process for adding accommodations to an IEP, about different types of accommodations that can be included in an IEP(or even for all students), and what changes to curriculum that transform supports from an accommodation to a modification. There will be a Q&A portion to the session to assist in staff understanding and ability to implement accommodations and understanding of modifications. This topic relates to school and district initiatives of fostering inclusion of ALL students, increased training for staff for inclusion, and to support our co-teaching efforts.
This interactive professional development session will equip elementary school teachers with the skills to effectively use IXL for creating common assessments, which can be utilized for SRT planning and personalizing instruction. Participants will explore IXL’s data analytics, question banks, and personalized learning features to address diverse student needs while aligning with grade-level standards.