Teachers will learn how to create a NearPod using NearPod or Google Slides. We will explore some of the various tools and features that NearPod can offer to students. Teachers will have examples of how to apply these resources to their classroom lessons. In this session, teachers and presenters will brainstorm ways that NearPod can support their HIT Strategy. Finally teachers will be given time and guidance to explore and search the NearPod library for resources.
In this presentation we will share how we organize and track student data in order to group kids for interventions. Data points include NWEA, CSA/CFA’s from Pear Assessments, ilearn and ilearn checkpoints. Data is stored and tracked in google sheets and branching minds. Our system can be modified to meet the needs of any grade level with any variety of assessments and data points. When data is well organized quick decisions can be made with regards to intervention needs.